Birthing New CreATIONS
The contractions and labor pain they didn’t tell you about
Who ever said birthing would be easy? Expect the unexpected, breathe, and trust you are being guided.
Push, baby, push!! The head is crowning. 10 cm dilated. Here it is. The culmination of 9 months (or longer) of gestating, nurturing, loving, and growing this baby. The excitement, the fear, the unknown, and the “oh my god, get it out of me!” swirling in the air and through the body. I’m ready. Okay, maybe I’m not ready, but I’m sure as hell committed to get this baby out of me and into the world!
And then it happens. Just when it seems like everything is lined up and ready to come down to that beautiful climax number at the end of a good musical… the head starts to retreat into the vaginal canal.
The back and forth doesn’t mean things aren’t progressing. It’s part of the process.
Noooo! Moments of panic and fear that this baby will permanently live inside your vagina. Speedy rounds of the stages of grief flash through the head and heart:
denial. “Nope, nothing in my vagina. All good!”
anger: “What the f*$ck? You’ve had your time! Get out.”
bargaining: “Okay, so I know this is a big, scary transition baby. How about you come out now and you can have whatever you want. Legit anything.”
depression: “Oh god. I’m going to have a baby stuck in my vagina forever. It’s hopeless.”
Acceptance: “Okay. So, how am I going to feed this baby living in my vagina?”
“There is no right way to birth. It is intuitive, organic, and yours. Breathe, trust, and push.”
After a messy round or two (or more), it comes again to that place of acceptance. Allowing and surrendering to what is. The pull back doesn’t mean the baby is stuck or the birthing has become stagnant. It is actually part of the birthing process. We are brought to the brink of completion and then are pulled back for a reason. There is an opportunity. There is a lesson.
Along with growing patience, this part of the birthing process allows us to become clearer on the vision. It reconnects us to the passion of our baby and what we deeply wish to bring into the world.
As women, we are destined to create. We are designed to bring life into this world, to birth. We intuitively know this birthing process. The blood and wisdom of our matriarchal lineage coded into our cells. On a body based level, we know what is needed and how to manifest life.
There is no right way to birth. it is intuitive, organic, and it is yours. Pause. Feel the weight of your body on whatever you are sitting or lying on. Breathe deep into your belly. Call in your guides and support. Fill your delivery room with people who are life-giving and full of love for you. Call on your soul sisters and those who are mothers in their own right. Breathe. Trust. And then the time will come. A deep knowing from within your bones and belly. Time to push.